COVID Education Alliance
Maggie Katherine Hartnett
Maggie is a senior lecturer within the Institute of Education at Massey University, New Zealand. Maggie teaches in the areas of e-learning and digital technologies and is the coordinator of the postgraduate digital education programmes within the Institute. Her research focuses on the intersection of technologies and pedagogies and their influence on learners' and teachers' experiences, motivation, engagement, and behaviour in technology enhanced, mediated and immersive learning contexts. Her research interests include motivation and engagement in digital environments, teaching and learning with digital technologies, support for digital learners and teachers, digital inclusion, digital places and spaces of learning that encompasses new learning environments, emerging digital technologies including open digital badges, and teacher and learner experiences in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). Maggie's research interests are not confined to formal learning settings but span a wide range of formal and informal learning situations. Maggie is a member of the Flexible Learning Association of New Zealand (FLANZ), the main professional organisation in online, open, flexible and distance learning in New Zealand. She is also the Associate Editor of the Journal of Open, Flexible and Distance Learning (JOFDL) the open access academic journal published by the FLANZ organisation. Her recent research includes digital inclusion in public libraries, digital badge use in tertiary institutions in New Zealand, and a chapter on motivation in distance education in the most recent edition of the Handbook of Distance Education.