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Eszter Salamon

Eszter Salamon is the Director of Parents International and has also worked as a leading expert of the European School Heads Association. Originally trained and practiced as a teacher, she later became an economist and has obtained a PhD in education leadership specialising on parental engagement. She started dealing with rights of the child issues in 1989 and has specialised in students' rights and parents' rights with focus on education in the past 22 years, being active on European level since 2009 and international level since 2015. She has been involved in international education and social topics and projects, primarily focusing on equity, inclusion, quality education, active (digital) citizenship, lifelong learning, and the role of school leadership and parents in this for over a decade.

She is most concerned with preparing all educators, including parents, for the demands of the 21st century for children's success in life as well as supporting them to reach their full potential. Apart from participating in research, advocacy, training and other projects in these fields, she is a member of various advisory groups eg. for the Council of Europe, the LEGO Foundation and Entrepreneurial Skills Pass. She has done research - among other - topics on parenting skills, parental engagement, teacher skills and competences and active citizenship. She became involved in COVIDEA through a research-based initiative of Parents International, a New Deal for Education and Schools based on parental experiences during the school closure period.

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